New in Langensteinbach – holistic medical consultation with Dr. Krause:

We already use naturopathic preparations in addition to conventional medicine throughout our entire group of practices, but so far we have only been able to independently offer alternative treatment methods in Durlach.
to offer additional naturopathic therapies in LA on Friday afternoons from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
So far we have seen good results in all chronic diseases where conventional medicine reaches its limits, such as skin diseases, intestinal diseases, kidney diseases and tumors.
We will use the following alternative healing methods in Karlsbad-Langensteinbach by Offer Krause
- Autologous blood treatments
- Autologous blood treatments according to Dr. Reckeweg
- Organotherapy
- Medicinal mushroom therapy
- homeopathy
- Schuessler salt therapy
- Bach flower therapy
- Nutritional advice
Of course, essential medications are always retained in our treatments.
You can find more information about the individual forms of therapy here .